Journey East
At time I would like to acknowledge the wonderful company that helped make all of this possible.
The company is called Journey East.
Back in December I met a woman who told me she spent two years in China teaching English.
I thought "Wow that must have been so exciting".
Soon afterwards I began doing research on-line to see if it was something I could do.
After a few days I came across the Journey East site and decided to call them and ask a few questions. I talked with keith Curran. He was very helpful answering all my questions and gave me a few tips on my research.
I spent many hours reading blogs about teachers experiences in China...Not all were great. There are some scam artists out there that just want to rip you off or just place you in a school and give no support once you get there.
After a week or so I called Keith back and asked a few more questions...I think he could tell I had done my homework by the questions I was asking.
Two days later we talked again and by then I felt confident that this was a reputable company. So after a lengthy phone interview we began to process the paperwork and start getting visa and passport information together. They made the process seem very easy.
Teaching in China is not for everyone...It takes a certain type of person to be able to come to a country like this and be able to adapt to the cultural and lifestyle differences.
Hence the lengthy interview...They just won't send anybody over here.
Needless to say the Journey East staff here in China has been more than supportive. I couldn't have a better group of people to help me out with any problems that may might occur.
The school they placed me in is wonderful, my apartment is great, the people couldn't be nicer.
Compared to some of the horror stories I read about before coming here...This had turned out the be a dream come true.
I would like to thank Keith Curran and Jenny Xu for making this one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life.
So if you are interested in joining in on the adventure...Give my friends at Journey East a call and tell them Jim sent you.
Please take a moment and click on the link below to see what Journey East has to offer.
Teach, Travel, Study, Live in China
offers quality affordable education programs in China, ESL job placement
and Chinese visa services.

Jim Phillips
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