Weekend in Shanghai

Well I've been in China now for almost five months. I've made it to a few cities nearby but have have yet to make the journey to Shanghai.
Until this weekend.
Thursday night I thought I would make a weekend of it and finally go to Shanghai.
I sent an instant message to a friend that I met online before I even came to China.
His name is Kai and we have been chatting on and off for at least 7 months now.
It was very interesting to meet someone on-line on the other side of the planet and to finally get the chance to meet up with.
He wasn't online so I just wrote that I was coming to Shanghai the next day and gave him my phone number.
I also caught Nina on-line and told her I was coming too.
I didn't have classes Thursday or Friday and I thought it would be perfect timing to make it to the big city. The weather had cooled down and there was no big events going on so the crowds should be minimal.
I decided to get up early and catch the 6:45 bus to Shanghai. It was a pretty good trip except it was one of those busses that stop along the way and picks up people traveling between the two cities. That turned a 3 hour bus ride into a 4 hour bus ride.
When I arrived in Shanghai I didn't have a map or even any plans. I kinda like flying by the seat of my pants.
Shanghai is a HUGE city. I have asked around and got different estimates as to how many people there are...anywhere from 17 to 20 million.
So with no map (I'm no good with maps anyway) I looked around and saw the Oriental Pearl Tower. I new that this was a major attraction in Shanghai so I started walking in that direction.
When my friend Aaron and adam came to Shanghai they told me they stayed at a hostel called the Captain and that it was close to the Bund river.
Here's a shot from close to the bus station.
I walked all the way to the Pearl Tower...that's the pointy one in the middle of the picture.

It took me about an hour to get there...what a great walk!!

It was a bit hazy out.

And I finaledly arrived at the Bund.

As I stood gazing out at the incredible architecture a Chinese fellow named Cay started up a conversation with me. We chatted for a while and talked about the differences and similarities of our two countries. And took some pictures.

I was planning at staying at a hostel that a friend had recommended but my new friend Cay mentioned that there was a hostel very close to where we were and that I could find more information about the other hostels in Shanghai there.
Because of the great location I decided to stay there.

After checking in, my new friend/tour guide/interpreter...Cay took me to Old Town Shanghai.

Except for the Chinese architecture...Old town was very modern.

After lunch I planned on visiting the Jin Mao Tower...the 4th tallest tower in the world.

But first I had to check out all of Old Town.

Mr. Cay.

I took the ferry across the river...that's how the locals do it. Anyway, I preferred taking a boat ride.

Nice ride across the river...it was very busy with barges.

There was a few restaurants at the top of the tower.

That evening I met up with my old friend Nina...The German gal. She took me out for a burger...The first one in four months!!

Then we met up with some of her friends in Shanghai for some KTV.
A crazy bunch from all over the world.
Swiss, German, Italian, Polish, German, French...You name it.

Everybody had a smashing good time!

The next day I woke up early and met a few of my bunk mates.
This is Alex...he's from Germany. Today was his last day in China after a few months of traveling around China.
I met another guy named Alex from Russia. He's been living in Spain for the last five years.
Russian Alex and I spent the day kicking around the Bund.

Here's Alex from Russia and myself.
At the top of the Jin Mao tower.

This is German Alex. The pictures are not in order...I'm having a heck of a time with my blog and every time I try to move a picture it shuts the blog down.

Here are my new friends Alex and Kai at Old Town.

Alex got a bite to eat while Kai explained what everything was.

Me and Alex.

Here is a shot of the shopping district...I didn't have a beacon to use to find my way back to the bus station so I just headed in the general direction.

The River.

Sunday morning I got up early and walked around a bit before making me way towards the bus station.

What can I say?

The trip back was an adventure in it's self.
I thought it might be quicker to take a direct bus to Hanghzou and then one to Changxing.
Well I asked for my ticket to Changxing and got on the bus. Soon I realized that I was heading South instead ot West...I was on my way to Shouxing about an hour away. It Sounds like Changxing...
Once I arrived I asked for a ticket to Changxing...Mayo...that means none or I don't have in Chinese.
Well at this point I called my best friend here in China...Bill from the Rainbow school.
I handed the phone to the ticket lady and she told him that I would have to go back to Hanghzou to catch a bus to Changxing. OK...I gotta do what I gotta do.
Once I was back in Hanghzou they said no busses tonight.
I saw a couple of other foreigners with a Chinese Girl and struck up a conversation with them.
I told them what was going on and the Chinese girl offered to help me out.
She talked with someone who said that I could catch a bus trom the North bus station of I got there by 8pm. It was 6:30 so I figured I would make it there with no problem.
I had to take a taxi North for about 45 minutes...50 yuan...6 bucks.
Well the taxi drops me off and the first thing I notice is...The bus station is closed. DO I LOOK SURPRISED...NOPE. Just taking it all in stride!
So I call the school and tell them what's up and that I probably won't make it to my morning classes...No problem they say...just be carefull!!
At this piont all I have is 212 yuan in my pocket.
There's ahotel at the bus station so I go in and ask, "Duo Sheow Chin"...How much?
The room was 175 yuan...The bus ticket should be about 34 yuan. Not gnna happen.
I ask if they take credit cards....Nope. He motions in a direction and says"ATM".
So I head across the street and hit the ATM machine. It doesn't work. Do I look surprised? NOPE!
So I walk on down the street and look for a cheaper room.
By luck I find one that is 100 yuan with a 100 yuan deposit.
That gives me 12 yuan to eat on...I can live with that.
Well after dropping my backpack off in the room I take a walk down a little alley full of food vendores.
I found one of my favorite foods...Ma La Tang. This is one of the soup places that you pick out your own stuff and they cook it up. It is one of the best and cheapest places to eat in China...6 Yuan. I even had enough for a beer...3 yuan...36 cents.
So I headed back to my room with my 3 yuan in my pocket and hoped for better luck the next day.
So my thinking I was going to get back home quicker backfired.
My three and a half hour ride turned into a 24 hour detour.
I woke up about 8:30 the next morning and got my 100 yuan deposit back and headed back to the bus station.
Caught the RIGHT bus and was home an hour later.
On my way back on my scooter I saw a new litttle street market and couldn't resist stopping in.
I found some wool socks and some long underwear. Just what I needed.

OK...one more shot of Shanghai...I fount this place that I though was a Taco Bell.
It was just a Mexican restaurant using the Taco Bell logo.
They greet you with Adios when you walk in...You gotta love it!!
The food was eatable but far from Mexican.

Back at the Changxing market...Pet goldfish or turtles anyone?

And so ends my long weekend in Shanghai.
I want to thank all my new and old friends for a wonderful time.
Gloria will be here soon and we can do it again...All except the long ride home. I HOPE!
Nice post! It makes me miss Shanghai like a madman. (Taco Bell Grande is indeed very far from Mexican, however, I did have some chipotle chili with meatballs there when I went, and, I have to admit, it was really good)
i actually have the same exact picture of taco bell grande when i was in shanghai, i thought Taco Bell at first, and then i was like, wait a minute, it says Taco Bell Grande....
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