Market Day

Yesterday I took walk around to get to know the lay of the land when I came across the market.
There didn't seem to be many people around so I figured I would try it again a little earlier today.
I didn't have my camera so I made sure to bring it today.
It was like walking back in time.
Something you might see in National Geographic.
First was the fish market.
Live fish, dead fish, eels, frogs in little bags. It was amazing!!
Every body gave me the old"Nee How" and smiled.
Some even shouted out"Hello".
I learned a new phrase that came in very handy, "Wo Bo Dong".
I don't understand.
They would laugh and repeat it, "Wo Bo Dong".
Next was the live chicken market.
It also had live ducks and even doves.
At this point I will say one thing.
Ohhh the smell!!
Anyway, they were cutting and preparing (I would use the word cleaning but you can see from the pictures that it was anything but clean)

Then there was the meat section.
Mind you there was no refrigeration to be foud anywhere.
Pork was very popular, especially the pigs feet.
I gotta get me some of that. Or maybe not.

Fresh chicken...Killed this morning!!

Some places had chicken that I think was cooked because of the color.......Ohh that smell.

Then there was the vegetable and fruit market.
Some things looked familiar and some... I just had no idea about.
I ended up buying some fruit.
Bananas, peaches and some apples.
I tried some other thing that looked interesting (strange) but it wasn't on my menu.
I asked (signed) if I could try one and the lady said yes. I think.
So I bit into it and she and the kids around me all laughed at me.
I guess your supposed to peel it first. (Who knew?)
It looked like an eyeball inside. Just the texture of it made me squeamish.
Then I tried a grape, too sour (made that sour look on my face) .
There were stalls where people would be cooking things getting ready for the lunch crowd.
I'm still not quite brave enough to eat at one of these places.

Ohh and there was one thing I saw that reminded me of fear factor.
(Who am I all reminded me of fear factor)
They had eggs that had the mostly developed dead chicks in them.
So I ate a few, NOT!

Did I mention it was HOT!
Enjoy the pictures, don't gag.
I think I'm going to go have some fruit for lunch, bye for now.
More to come tomorrow!!