Another Day...Another Market

Fear Factor II
I still can't believe I'm in China...
Every day is a new experience.
Today I chatted with Mom via Yahoo IM...Glad you got that figured out mom...It was great to see you and Dave.
You gotta get your microphone so we can talk....
You know I can't type very fast!!
Anyway I decided to go for my usual walk about before it got too hot....(too late)...
Did I forget to mention that it was hot here?
Anyway I came across another market....WOW again.
I'm getting more brave about taking pictures...I ask (signal w/ camera) and if they smile I shoot away...If they shake their heads no...I don't.
Usually after I start shooting someone will point to someone else and sign that I take that persons pic. too.
And before you know it everybody is coming over to look at the pictures that I just took.

At this market....frogs were very popular.

And pigs feet.

And pig tongue.
And pigs skull.




Live eel.
And dead eel.

And Dead Duck

They had a place to boil the chickens and ducks for plucking...It was sooo nasty!!

And Snakes!!!EEeeewwwy
This market was across a river.
Barges would be bringing coal up the river and return with something else.
Very busy.
That's the market behind the barge.

So many happy people...

I've always loved the saying "I learn something new every day".
I can't wait till tomorrow.