Work and Friends

I hope everyone has enjoyed viewing the pictures as much as I have had taking them.
It's Saturday afternoon and I just woke up from a nice long nap by the sound of rain.
I had to grab a shot of my first real China rain.
How exciting....Not.
OK.....I've been in China for 1 week now and I'm feeling pretty good about the whole thing.
Everybody at work seems very nice and helpful.
Headmaster David is very adamant that I have everything that I need and that I am happy.
The office...
Her are some of the teachers...Jessie, Sucia and Kelly.
That's David and myself at the computer.
This morning David and Kenny came to my apartment to pick me up and run some errands.
We went to the broadcast station to get my cable TV going and then the bank.
I can't read Chinese and the bank machines are only in Chinese.
After that we went to see if we could find me another pad for my bed...It's so damn hard.
No luck, that's a project for another day.
We have a gym in the building next to the school so they took me there and got me signed up.
It's on the sixth floor and pretty nice but not air conditioned.
It's just like the gyms back home. Free weights, machines and a sauna.(Like we need that here)
After that I went over to the school to see about having lunch with the teachers that were working today.(My day off)
I had lunch with one of the teachers last week. Fried eggs and rice.
I liked it a lot so I asked if I could could order it again for today.
They had already ordered theirs so they called and added this to the order.
They got snails, pork meatballs, rice and bamboo root with pork bits in it.
I tried everything except the snails. I like es cargo but this wasn't es cargo!
I also met a boy at a store across the street from the school that speaks some English,
His name is David and his parents own the store. He is on summer vacation so he helps out in the store until school starts back up.
His father can speak a little English but not enough to carry on any kind of conversation.
I got a call from Jenny on my walk back home.
She is one of the people in charge of the management of the school.(I think)
She invited me to have tea tonight at 7:pm and meet some her friends.
I wonder if the are Americans or if they speak English?
That's Kenny on the bike. He has a hat that says Marlboro....Chinese Marlboro Man!!